Professional SEO Services

for your business


The more quality content you publish, the more chances you get to rank for relevant keywords across your entire site.
In today's digital age, having a strong online presence and a website that ranks well on search engine results pages (SERPs) is vital to the success of your business.

I can Make Words Work for your business by writing high-quality content that targets specific keywords related to your products and services. Optimised, engaging and informative content can help your website rank higher and attract more organic traffic, meaning more potential buyers.

Small business SEO services

Why professional SEO services are a good investment for small businesses?

Investing in SEO services is a commitment and key to helping your potential customers find you. The more quality content you publish, the more opportunities you have to rank for valuable keywords across your website, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of your business. That’s why investing in SEO can be a game-changer for your online presence and business performance.

6 ways an SEO services expert can boost your ranking

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Identify your target keywords
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Design a killer content strategy
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Master your content cluster links
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Optimise your existing content
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Deliver a great on-page experience
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All of this in your own brand voice
As a skilful and highly experienced content writer, I can develop your content strategy to drive traffic and engagement, build brand reputation, and support your business growth.
Who I write for

SEO Website Content

Elevate your website's impact and drive meaningful results with expertly crafted SEO-friendly content! I specialise in capturing your brand voice and personality while influencing your target audience to purchase your products and services, sparing you the hassle of writing thousands of words for your web pages. 

By strategically incorporating keywords aligned with your business and your audience's search intent, I ensure your site stands out to users and search engines.
Make Words Work client sees a great ROI from their customised content marketing campaign.

SEO services included in your website content

To ensure maximum results, I include the following on-page SEO elements to enhance your online presence and make your website stand out.
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Keyword research
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Title tags
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SEO strategy
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Meta descriptions
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Page structure
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Image ALT text
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Internal links
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404-page content
Starting From:
incl. GST for a one-page, long-form website
incl. GST for a three-page website
All websites include keyword research and an SEO page strategy
Enquire About your Project
Remember... You don't have to launch a website with all the pages you want to create, but you need a solid content strategy that aims to add pages over time. The more outstanding content you publish, the greater your chances of ranking for valuable keywords.
Retro typewriter for writing on a yellow background.
SEO is like a fine wine that gets better with age. The longer you commit, the more it will pay off in the form of increased traffic, leads, and sales.
Make Words Work client sees higher conversion results from compelling, optimised SEO copywriting.

Dream Team Website

Want the whole box-n-dice? In a world where everyone wants to engage online, a shiny new website could be your ticket to success! But why settle for the ordinary when you can have an extraordinary Dream Team Website created by a dynamic duo of SEO experts, incorporating optimised content + design + development?
The Melbourne-based Dream Team delivers expert SEO services to businesses across Australia and around the globe.
Dream Team  Website Packages

DIY SEO Booster – 'Do it Yourself'

Supercharge your online presence with my DIY SEO Booster! This comprehensive solution puts the power of SEO optimisation right at your fingertips to help you climb the search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your website.

From keyword research to on-page optimisation and link-building strategies, my DIY SEO Booster empowers you to take control of your digital destiny, unlock the secrets of SEO success and watch your online visibility soar.

Coming Soon!
Join the Waitlist!
Return on investment
"Content is king" - it's been over two decades since Bill Gates pronounced this phrase, yet his words carry even more weight today. Research suggests that Aussie businesses should invest around 30% of their overall marketing budget into content creation and copywriting.

But why? Because content is fundamental in marketing - from blogs, videos, social posts, email campaigns, paid search, google ads, press releases, websites and more. Additionally, SEO-friendly content is more likely to deliver a return on investment - up to 13 times more likely, in fact!


SEO is key in ensuring your customers find you. Once you've laid the groundwork and invested in a fantastic website, you'll want to stay on top of optimisation by keeping up-to-date, fresh content on your site. Why? Like any worthwhile investment, SEO takes time to grow.

Content marketing is the art of creating compelling narratives that engage and inspire your target market. Whether through insightful blogs, irresistible lead magnets, or engaging email campaigns, Renee can craft content that speaks directly to your ideal audience. Tailor your strategy with a content plan that perfectly matches your SEO aspirations, ensuring your message reaches, captivates, and leaves a lasting impact.
Make Words Work client stay on top of optimisation with up-to-date, fresh SEO content on their site.
Meet Renee Mariette, SEO Copywriter and Director of Make Words Work

Meet your content creator

I am Renee Mariette, SEO copywriter and Director of Make Words Work, based in Melbourne, Australia. With over two decades of marketing experience and expertise in writing and SEO, I view brand communication as an art form and recognise the influential role words play in propelling businesses towards their objectives.
Your SEO Copywriter


Blogs are a powerful tool for engaging your audience and enhancing your SEO efforts. Regularly publishing informative, relevant, and engaging content can establish your brand as an authority in your industry, providing value to your readers and building trust.

From an SEO perspective, blogs are invaluable. They allow you to naturally incorporate relevant keywords, including long-tail queries that potential customers might use, improving your site's visibility and ranking on search engines. Strategic internal linking (also known as clustering) can further enhance your SEO, guiding visitors to other relevant content and increasing their engagement time with your brand.
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Quarterly strategic content planning meeting.
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In-depth keyword research.
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A quarterly Content Cluster SEO Strategy combining your keyword strategy for 1 pillar piece and 3 supporting topic clusters.`
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SEO copywriting support.
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Four content reviews per quarter to ensure maximum optimisation and search performance of your content.
Your Investment
$500 per month
Minimum of three months required. 
I recommend committing for a minimum of 6 months to see the best results.
I want this!

Lead Magnets

Lead magnets offer valuable, free content or services in exchange for contact information, attracting potential customers and encouraging them to engage more deeply with your brand, which increases the likelihood of conversions.

Integrating relevant keywords and optimising your lead magnet can further enhance your site's SEO, making it more visible to those seeking your expertise or solutions. Widely distributing your lead magnet through various channels can generate backlinks to your site, improving your domain authority and search engine rankings.
Make Words Word blue icon.
Quarterly strategic content planning meeting.
Make Words Word blue icon.
In-depth keyword research.
Make Words Word blue icon.
A quarterly Content Cluster SEO Strategy combining your keyword strategy for 1 pillar piece and 3 supporting topic clusters.
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4 optimised web pages, written in your brand tone, including page structure, anchor text and internal links, meta description and title tags.
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2 rounds of edits per piece to ensure perfect alignment with your brand.
Your Investment
$1500 per month
Minimum of three months required. 
I recommend committing for a minimum of 6 months to see the best results.
I want this!

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a tried and tested marketing tool. By delivering personalised, relevant content directly to your subscribers' inboxes, you can foster deeper relationships with your audience, encourage repeat visits to your website, boost customer loyalty and drive sales. Repeat engagement also signals to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant to your audience's interests.

Email marketing can drive targeted traffic to specific pages on your site, enhancing their visibility and performance in search engine rankings. By including links to your latest blog posts, product pages, or other key content in your emails, you can improve your site's dwell time and reduce bounce rates, both important factors in SEO.
Make Words Word blue icon.
Quarterly strategic content planning meeting.
Make Words Word blue icon.
In-depth keyword research.
Make Words Word blue icon.
A quarterly Content Cluster SEO Strategy combining your keyword strategy for 1 pillar piece and 3 supporting topic clusters.
Make Words Word blue icon.
4 optimised web pages, written in your brand tone, including page structure, anchor text and internal links, meta description and title tags.
Make Words Word blue icon.
2 rounds of edits per piece to ensure perfect alignment with your brand.
Your Investment
$1500 per month
Minimum of three months required. 
I recommend committing for a minimum of 6 months to see the best results.
I want this!

Why my SEO services are so successful

SEO services have come a long way from stuffing keywords into content and hoping for the best. Content clustering is the next evolution of SEO. It aims to organise your content into linked topic clusters to improve your site architecture, make it easier for Google to find related content, and ultimately boost your SEO performance.

Topic clusters organise your in-depth content around a broad pillar topic, supported by lots of juicy long-tail keywords. This strategy signals to web crawlers that there are semantic connections between your content and that you’re a trusted authority. In content clustering, when one page performs well, the entire cluster is elevated.
Icon for SEO cluster keywords.
My SEO services combine your keyword strategy with a content cluster strategy to provide your audience with a rich, engaging experience and supercharge the overall SEO performance and ranking of your website.

Talk to me about which SEO Service is right for you.
Enquire Now
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What are local SEO Services

Local SEO is a specialised subset of standard SEO, tailored to help small businesses improve their online visibility and connect with potential customers in their local area. Specific tactics are required for local SEO, such as building your Google business profile, mobile optimisation and growing your online reviews.

Local SEO is highly valuable for businesses with physical locations or serving specific geographic areas. It helps increase your online presence, attract nearby customers, and improve your chances of being discovered in local search results.

  • Catherine Goldsmith – Owner – Dr Katey Cosmetics

    Launching my small business was daunting. There was so much involved, and I looked at many options for website creation. Meeting Renee was wonderful. I didn't know what SEO was then, but once she explained it to me, I realised how important it was for any business and that I would be stupid not to use an SEO services expert with copywriting skills. 

    She researched my services and transformed them into content representing me and my brand. I had complete faith in Renee's expertise, which has now completely paid off. I love that she collaborates with Rachel Jane Designs to offer the complete website package.
    View the Site
  • Brendon Clark - Director - Clark Generations

    After years of experience working in the Australian bush, I've recently pivoted my company away from a trades-based business and into public speaking on environmental and sustainability issues we face  in our forests. I didn't even know where to start in articulating my thoughts on paper (my website). Writing is not my strong point and I had no idea about SEO. 

    Renee has captured exactly my thought process and created the perfect words for my business and website. I know my stuff and can confidently talk about it, but would never have been able to turn this into a professionally written website. If you're looking for the best SEO services for your business, give Renee a call. You won't regret and you'll feel a burden lift when you realise you don't have to write your website words yourself!
    View the Site
Make Words work logo in white.

Make Words work

with Renee Mariette
Your friendly Melbourne SEO Copywriter